Trimark Catches a BIG ONE
with Live Bait!
Promotional Trimark Tackle Box wins award and
helps clients gain that distinct advantage.
Toronto, February 2nd , 2009
As part of a new initiative Trimark decided to create the Trimark Tackle Box. It was created to give our clients a collection of incentives and initiatives designed to help them "Lure in" and land that "Big Fish". The Tackle Box went on to win the Silver Supplier Self Promotion Award at the recent PPPC Image Awards on January 25th, 2009.
The Tackle Box was conceived by the Trimark Marketing Department, who wanted to enable their clients to have a distinct advantage over their competitors. The Tackle Box contained 4 different Lures each designed to maximize sales with Trimark and provide additional value to our distributors/customers. Trimark encouraged their customers to use these Lures for 150 days to help them grow. It Worked!
The theme of this promotion was fishing and to catch that Big Fish you need the right lures. The Lures were four incentives: Free samples, 10% reduction on 10 items, coupons for 10% discount on a sale, and a rebate for sales growth. We also provided them with customized information about how these incentives could help their particular business, allowing for them to choose the best "Lure" for their company.
The Tackle Box was designed to look and feel like an actual Tackle Box, this included information about the promotion, and how it could help them. Two weeks later we followed up with a "Bait Pail". It was a metal pail filled with Gummi Worms and Werther's Originals. The "Bait Pail" was meant to remind and reinforce our message, and keep our customers aware that we are here to help them.
Trimark Sportswear Group won the Silver Supplier Self Promotion Award at the Image Awards show during the 2009 Promotional Product Professionals of Canada (PPPC) Annual Convention, but more important then winning awards we allowed our customers to grow, and show them that Trimark is committed to helping them in anyway we can. |